Saturday, October 15, 2005

Calculators only!

The project management test yesterday went OK, fortunately it was open book and since I didn't finish getting thru the material, it proved handy being able to double check answers to questions that were a bit tricky. Since starting my B.Tech degree last year, this is the first open book test that I've written. It almost felt like cheating, though I could see that if one was completely clueless, one wouldn't be able to find some of the answers in the reference material.

We had the invigilator from hell watching over us. Asshole wasted 2 minutes of our time, first with getting us to sign a register during the test and second when he was yelling at a student for using his cell-phone as a calculator. He continued his tirade by shouting that it clearly stated on the front page of the paper that cell-phones were not be used as calculators... I had a look at my paper's front page, and didn't see such a warning, but then again maybe that student was writing a different subject. I don't think that shouting at students goes down well with them, especially when the person doing the shouting is old and white [relic of the apartheid era] and the majority of students are "black". Apartheid gave whites licence to treat non-whites anyhow they wanted... correction, it forced them to treat non-whites as second class citizens. Invariably some of them liked it that way.

Today, I need to get cracking on my COCOMOII software engineering project... from now until Monday morning, I will try to eat, breathe and sleep COCOMOII. Err.. we'll see how that goes.

Over and out ;)

Tuesday, October 11, 2005

Weddings, studying and black holes

7 weeks until the end of the semester and finals, then i finish my B.Tech degree!

Getting thru the next 7 weeks will be a challenge however. Tests, assignments and finals over this period is going to be rough.

The wedding 2 Saturdays back was great. Seeing two special people tie the knot and dedicating their lives to each other is always a momentous occasion. Congratz T & Ann!
I did manage to catch the garter with some help from a couple of eager mates wanting to thrust me into the spotlight! Thanks T for throwing it right into my hands! What do I do with it though? Is it meant to bring me luck :p

During the wedding weekend, I got to see lots of friends and family from out of town, so that was very cool too :) Unfortunately it had to all be compressed into 1 weekend :( By the time Monday morning rolled around I was seriously sleep deprived! I was a walking zombie that day..

I've moved all of the essentials and most comforts over to my new place in Parklands, but still have many things to sort out as well as traffic from that side of the world to contend with. Will have to see how it goes because I am finding that I cannot afford to spend so much time in traffic because that means I have even less time to study and do assignments. I don't think I've managed to do any actual work over the last month :(

With the new place there are still snags that the developer has to sort out, as well as certain bathroom fixtures that we need to buy. It seems a house is black hole for time and money!

Speaking of black holes, there was a very interesting documentary on Carte Blanche last Sunday regarding Stephen Hawking's new calculations regarding Black Hole Information Loss and the implications of it.

But wait, I digress... the next 3 weeks are going to tough for sure, nevermind the presence of black holes and their implications... I might very well need to ask for leave to study and do my assignments.