Saturday, November 05, 2005

16 days to go!

In the last 3 weeks there has been an Information & Technology Management test, a Software Engineering test, as well as my Software Engineering COCOMO II project and a group project for Project Management that have been due. The only test mark I’ve gotten back so far is for the Project Management test from 3 weeks back, but at least that was good news as I was pleasantly surprised with the highest mark in the class!

My essay results and the one mini-assignment result I got back were ok, but not great. At least for s/w enginerring my assignements were fairly marked. The same cannot be said for the marking of my ITM essays. I’ve given up on doing really well for ITM. If the lecturer doesn’t care about essays and tests being marked properly, why should I? It’s beyond my control…

It’s been fairly tiring with late nights, either due to lectures, studying or working on projects. Work work has been busier as well, but fortunately nothing near as hectic as it can get.

Lectures end next week, and then I write 3 exams in total, with Project Management on 14 November, Information & Technology Management on 18 November and last but not least Software Engineering on 21 November.

Then I’ll be finished with my B.Tech degree which means no more studying for this year!

If I’ve learnt anything from studying part-time, it’s the preciousness of spare time!