Tuesday, December 13, 2005

Freshlyground insomniac

I seem to have some type of insomnia/waking up at sunrise/waking up at the slightest noise problem. The sun now rises at 5am: a little too early for my liking. Earlier during the year I was waking up between 6am and 7am, even though I set my alarm clock for 8am. I suppose stress and a lack of cardio exercise make the likelihood of getting a good night's sleep even less. Likewise with our dogs barking at odd hours and the rest of family waking up at 6am...

Last night we had intruders who helped themselves to the contents of my sister's car. I think they were disturbed while they were going thru my dad's microbus... either by one of the dogs or by my dad trying to get the dogs to shut up... not realising they were barking at criminals...

Social basketball evenings are over for the year, so I'm thinking of taking up running, though I really dont see myself doing any marathons or anything of that nature at this point in time. Wow... I haven't played ball in over 4 months :(

Firstly I need a decent pair of running shoes... I'm looking at anything from R500 for the cheapest pair of Adidas to R1300 for more pricey Nike's ($75 - $200US). Why do we get ripped off so badly in this country for name brands?

We played poker again last Saturday. I lost R32. Overall I'm still up R23. This time, 3 of the losers from last time were the winners this time. Thats how it goes I suppose...

We went to Kirstenbosch Gardens to see Freshlyground perform at the Appeltiser Summer Sunset concert on Sunday. The show was due to start at 5:30pm but as it turned out we had to sit behind the concert area because the 5000 people that got there before us left no room. Apparently 10,000 people in total were there that day. Traffic was backed up for quite a distance from Kirstenbosch. It was madness... I don't think I'll be doing that again in a hurry!
I should have taken a camera though, since the view of the mountain and vegetation below it is very cool I think.

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