Monday, February 27, 2006

Year of the dog so far...

The weather today is cold and overcast. Up until yesterday however, the weather has been a real scorcher in Cape Town!

As explanation for my lack of posts: Life has been busy. Work, volleyball, the house and life's minutia have been occupying my time.

The rolling blackouts of last week were very disruptive to life in general. At work we had to fire up the generator on a regular basis, in order to keep our servers running. Traffic has been bad in places due to malfunctioning robots. [Edit: A lot of lost revenue for businesses in the Western Cape due to lack of power. It would appear that both Eskom and government are to blame for poor long term planning with regards to power supply. I'm not very clued up on the situation since it's a little difficult to read news stories on the web with no electricity. I'm in the dark :p]

On Saturday I went for a haircut. It's a little shorter than I wanted, but it should be fine since it will grow back quickly. In the afternoon I kept myself occupied at home.

At about 11pm Saturday night, we went out to Long Street Café and later on, Orchard Bank. Time just flew and before I knew it, it was some time after 3am.

To start with, we had cocktails at Long Street Café, and at one point there were up to 15 of us there. Ed was here for the weekend, as was Kevin from the UK and J's cousin Warren. A lot of the guys left for Mavericks early on. Only a handful of us stayed behind to shoot the breeze :)

Both Long Street Café and Orchard Bank were pretty cool! Though not the part were Viv had her cell lifted from her handbag, whilst standing outside Orchard bank :

Returning to where Jon had parked the car, outside Snap, we were greeted with the typical jibes directed at Asians (of Chinese/Japanese/Korean descent) that one can expect from the typical ignorant South African. I didn't let it phase me, since it was almost expected. Jon wasn't too pleased with them and not too chuffed with my lack of return fire (since I was sitting shotgun), but hey, I was in a good mood so it really didn't matter to me!

Reminders on why not to park right outside a nightclub:
Reason 1 - the inebriated low lives that lean against your car
Reason 2 - derisive comments and/or unwanted attention u are bound to draw from ignorant people trying to be funny!

Sunday was very laid back. We washed Scruffy and Jimmy, and while Jimmy was being dried with a towel, Scruffy jumped on top of him to 'play' and then Jimmy got really mad and they started fighting. Afterwards, Jimmy had 4 semi-large puncture wounds spread all over his back (Scruffy has VERY sharp teeth!). Later on, we removed a tick from Jimmy's ear. We made sure to remove the tick in its entirety (head and all) so as to reduce the chance of him contracting an infection or Lyme's disease.

Went for a short run in the evening… haven't gone for a run in 2 weeks, mostly because I just haven't been home when I've been in the mood to run! Am finding that I need to give my quads 2 or 3 days rest after longer runs, due to the fact that sometimes volleyball practices can be quite challenging in terms of legwork! We never know when Gary is going to make us jump around like frogs or kangaroos or jump up and spike the ball like 40 times or play hand or foot soccer like upside down tortoises…

Last night on eTV I watched Universal Soldier: The Return. It's got the be one of the crappiest movies I've sat thru in a long time. Next time it will be better if I sort thru my mail while NOT watching some lame-ass Jean-Claude movie in the background! The dialogue really sucked, as did the plot! Even the action was b-grade!

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