Thursday, September 29, 2005

Wedding week

It's been a hectic week, with moving more stuff to the new house, setting up more curtains, organising a new suit for the upcoming wedding, grocery shopping for the bare essentials for the new place, getting things ready for my first guest staying the weekend for the upcoming wedding, juggling work and study committments (though not very well) and getting the car washed so that it looks respectable for the wedding.

Did manage to try my hand at Texas Hold 'Em poker at the pre-wedding evening last weekend, but had to leave early (relatively speaking) at 1:30am whilst in the chip leader position. I decided to leave my chips with the groom.

Edit: The game lasted until 4am with G taking first place. Thanks G for the donation. I will put it to use till next time...

Will be seeing a lot of old friends from Joburg this weekend at the wedding.

Friday, September 23, 2005


Yay, it's the weekend, though I have a lot to do so it won't exactly be fun in the sun!

Happy birthday to Leesa Lees and Stephan today and Cybs on Wednesday past.

To Octavo and Ibis, have a safe and enjoyable trip to Singapore/Thailand!

Thursday, September 22, 2005

Bank charges and RA's

Found an interesting blog, Consumer Corner's blog, and two interesting posts on it; one being an opinion on Retirement Annuities and the other being how we are ripped off by the South African banks in the form of exorbitant bank charges.

Kinda of related, FNB are now giving 0.25% p.a. on their Million a Month 32 day deposit accounts. Granted, it was never touted as an account that you are supposed to get interest on, but really now; 0.25% p.a. is practially nothing. FNB are scoring big time encouraging "investment" and not awarding decent interest on this account! It's a lottery disguised as investment.

I went to Tokai FNB earlier this week to close my money market account (again), which they finally managed this time round, and got them to reimburse me for charges incurred due to their incompetence.

Wednesday, September 21, 2005

Treading water

I feel as if I am barely managing to keep my head above water with the new wave of assignments crashing over me. We have a 1 week break from CPUT starting on 23 September and then class starts again on 3 October.

2 big assignments/projects towards the end of October, with semester tests around then too.

Finals in November...

Moving house this weekend, and a cousin and friend are getting married the week after on 1 October. Lots of friends from Joburg will be here that weekend.

I wish there were two of me! One to work like a dog and the other to do whatever I please!

Thursday, September 15, 2005

Cannabilising your investments

Last night the asian guest lecturer from UWC spoke to us about Capital Investment, Program Management and Governance in the enterprises of today. He wants us to do some research on these topics since we'll be discussing them in more detail over the next few weeks. I find his lectures very interesting! He seems to know so much!

I watched a BBC documentary last night, about Reverend Sun Myung Moon. This man's vision is world domination, and he's trying to use his wealth (acquired from the blood, sweat and tears of his followers) to achieve this. As is the case for any respectable megalomaniac, he buys influence via politics and the media.

Friday, September 09, 2005

How can we help you?

Today, during my lunch hour, I went to FNB Tokai to close my money market account. My reasoning being that it seems silly to have a money market account when you have an a access bond or mortgage from which you can withdraw any excess funds that you might have paid into the bond over and above your monthly repayments. You are better off settling current debt unless your investments are likely to outperform whatever interest rate you are currently being charged for that debt.

So I ran this logic past the "consultant" just to check if there was any good reason for me to keep the money market account which costs me R20 per month. In a nutshell, she proceeded to explain how money invested at 5.5% p.a. in the money market account would be better than having it in my mortgage account where I am charged 8.5% p.a. in interest on the outstanding balance of my bond.

I then had to explain to her the flaw in her logic, but kept it short as possible as I realised there was no hope for her... So I asked what do I need to do to close the account, at which point I found out I could not close the account there since apparently one can only close an account at the branch where the account was opened. Funny, the telephone banking consultant I spoke to the other day neglected to mention that fact.

Thanks for wasting my lunch hour, FNB!

UPDATE: After phoning the branch where my account is held, I found out that it is possible to close an account from any branch.

Thursday, September 08, 2005

See-thru eyelids

Today I came in to work, and noticed my colleague was reading the paper today, instead of vacantly staring at her monitor. Later on I realised that she was being very "still". Eventually, I noticed that it seemed like she was reading the paper with her eyes closed. This could be an amazing development in human evolution... perhaps I should notify New Scientist? They could do a feature on it!

As one of our project management assignments due today, we are supposed to hand in the Project Charter for the wedding project we have chosen to undertake. So far only one member of the group has submitted his version of the project charter. Unfortunately, his spelling and grammar could use some work, and he has no work experience (full time student), so his project charter is going to need some tweaking. Well, he gets an A for effort I suppose :p
Also, at this point, we seem to be lacking the bride to be's input. I'm sure that she would like to have her say as to what needs to be completed by when!

Believing in the stars

What's the deal with horoscopes and the like? Are they self-fulfilling prophecies if one believes in them or is it more than that?

A criticism I have heard levelled at horoscopes is that they are written in such a general fashion that there are elements in each one of them that applies to each and every individual, depending on how one interprets them. This is true for the majority of horoscopes that one might read. It is certainly difficult to measure the accuracy of predictions made. When horoscopes seem to be accurate, is it merely coincidence at work? Skeptics might say that gullible people believe what they want to believe...

We all need goals and objectives, and in the absence of defining them ourselves, perhaps horoscopes serve that purpose to those that believe in them?

The inherent danger is: what if your 'compass' is some hokey horoscope columnist making a living from the misplaced faith of others?

Wednesday, September 07, 2005

When are local elections?

Been feeling pretty crummy today... don't know if it's general stress or food poisoning or whether it's this flu having its final say.

[My bad, i previously thought today was voting day...] Tony Leon (The DA’s Registration Drive) tells us it's important to vote but how many of us actually know what we are voting for. I'm sure we all want service delivery from local and national government, but in a way, it just comes down to blind faith for the majority of voters. Blind faith that the people we vote for will do their utmost to make a difference.

My software engineering class was cancelled last night, the lecturer didn't pitch... should have taken the opportunity to get make some progress on my essay, but somehow the time just evaporated with all the other things going on last night... I think my pc and my sister's pc's are possessed by gremlins... so much time wasted on software and hardware problems over this past month. 6 days left to research and write this damn essay...

I was listening to songs from the 80's on my iPod today, and somehow it made the dreary half of this day more bearable.

Tonight we had an asian american guest lecturer (from UWC) speak to us about enterprise architecture. Fortunately, that was the topic of our last essay... though you wouldn't say so based on how un-responsive we were when it came to giving him feedback on our grasp of the subject!!!

Monday, September 05, 2005

Sad weekend

I watched 2 particulary poignant movies on TV this past weekend. The first was
Rosewood and the second was Awakenings.

In the case of Rosewood, it's very sad what African Americans had to endure, even once they were "free" from slavery. I guess racism is an ugly fact of human history. Look no further than our own country.

We spent the second half of Sunday moving a fridge and bed thru to my new place, as well as going thru the snaglist to see what has been fixed. As it turns out, the developer's claims that everything has been seen to are once again untrue.

We should be getting the burglar bars installed this week. We can't wait any longer for them to finish fixing snags before we do what we need to do to make the place secure.

Friday, September 02, 2005

I have a blog

Yay, I have a blog, finally thanks to the inspiration from Octavo and Ibis!

Right now am trying to recover from being severely run-down due to the stresses of the past few weeks. Also that pesky flu which I succumbed to is almost gone now...

Over the next two weeks I need to get my life in order... have a software engineering essay to write, need to get to grips with Informix, ODBC, and .NET issues at work and need to get my new house sorted out.

I will try to stop playing GTASA all together over this period... this might be impossible because I might have to run it to do some "performance" testing on my pc!

Some of the entities that have caused me varying levels of grief lately have been RE/MAX Tableview, New Age Property Developers, FNB, OUTsurance & Sanlam. So far (I am working on the others) only FNB and OUTsurance have made me happy in their bids for good customer relations. Unfortunately it usually takes a manager to sort out the more tricky issues, but I guess that's what they are there for!

Cheers for now!