Thursday, September 08, 2005

See-thru eyelids

Today I came in to work, and noticed my colleague was reading the paper today, instead of vacantly staring at her monitor. Later on I realised that she was being very "still". Eventually, I noticed that it seemed like she was reading the paper with her eyes closed. This could be an amazing development in human evolution... perhaps I should notify New Scientist? They could do a feature on it!

As one of our project management assignments due today, we are supposed to hand in the Project Charter for the wedding project we have chosen to undertake. So far only one member of the group has submitted his version of the project charter. Unfortunately, his spelling and grammar could use some work, and he has no work experience (full time student), so his project charter is going to need some tweaking. Well, he gets an A for effort I suppose :p
Also, at this point, we seem to be lacking the bride to be's input. I'm sure that she would like to have her say as to what needs to be completed by when!

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