Wednesday, September 07, 2005

When are local elections?

Been feeling pretty crummy today... don't know if it's general stress or food poisoning or whether it's this flu having its final say.

[My bad, i previously thought today was voting day...] Tony Leon (The DA’s Registration Drive) tells us it's important to vote but how many of us actually know what we are voting for. I'm sure we all want service delivery from local and national government, but in a way, it just comes down to blind faith for the majority of voters. Blind faith that the people we vote for will do their utmost to make a difference.

My software engineering class was cancelled last night, the lecturer didn't pitch... should have taken the opportunity to get make some progress on my essay, but somehow the time just evaporated with all the other things going on last night... I think my pc and my sister's pc's are possessed by gremlins... so much time wasted on software and hardware problems over this past month. 6 days left to research and write this damn essay...

I was listening to songs from the 80's on my iPod today, and somehow it made the dreary half of this day more bearable.

Tonight we had an asian american guest lecturer (from UWC) speak to us about enterprise architecture. Fortunately, that was the topic of our last essay... though you wouldn't say so based on how un-responsive we were when it came to giving him feedback on our grasp of the subject!!!

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