Thursday, September 08, 2005

Believing in the stars

What's the deal with horoscopes and the like? Are they self-fulfilling prophecies if one believes in them or is it more than that?

A criticism I have heard levelled at horoscopes is that they are written in such a general fashion that there are elements in each one of them that applies to each and every individual, depending on how one interprets them. This is true for the majority of horoscopes that one might read. It is certainly difficult to measure the accuracy of predictions made. When horoscopes seem to be accurate, is it merely coincidence at work? Skeptics might say that gullible people believe what they want to believe...

We all need goals and objectives, and in the absence of defining them ourselves, perhaps horoscopes serve that purpose to those that believe in them?

The inherent danger is: what if your 'compass' is some hokey horoscope columnist making a living from the misplaced faith of others?

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